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Publications before 2019
2019(from Jan. to Dec.)
Nakanishi T, Takashima H, Uetoko Y, Komori H, Tamai I: Experimental evidence for re-secretion of PGE2 across rat alveolar epithelium by OATP2A1/SLCO2A1-mediated transcellular transport, J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 368:317-325, 2019, DOI: 10.1124/jpet.118.249789
Myint K, Biswas R, Li Y, Jong N, Jamieson S, Liu J, Han C, Squire C, Merien F, Lu J, Nakanishi T, Tamai I, McKeage M: Identification of MRP2 as a targetable factor limiting oxaliplatin accumulation and response in gastrointestinal cancer, Sci Rep, 9:2245, 2019, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-38667-8 (Open Access)
Washio I, Nakanishi T, Ishiguro N, Bister B, Tamai I: Effect of endogenous multidrug resistance 1 and P-glycoprotein expression on anticancer drug resistance in colon cancer cell lines, Biopharm Drug Dispos, 40:32-43, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/bdd.2167
Arakawa H, Amezawa N, Katsuyama T, Nakanishi T, Tamai I: Uric acid analogue as a possible xenobiotic marker of uric acid transporter Urat1 in rats, Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, 34:155-158, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.dmpk.2018.12.003
Nishizawa K, Yoda N, Morokado F, Komori H, Nakanishi T, Tamai I: Changes of drug pharmacokinetics mediated by downregulation of kidney organic cation transporters Mate1 and Oct2 in a rat model of hyperuricemia, PLoS One, 14:e0214862, 2019, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0214862
Arakawa H, Kubo H, Washio I, Staub AY, Nedachi S, Ishiguro N, Nakanishi T, Tamai I: Rat kidney slices for evaluation of apical membrane transporters in proximal tubular cells, J Pharm Sci, 108:2798-2804, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.xphs.2019.03.031
Nakamura Y, Sakaguchi T, Tamai I, Nakanishi T, Quantification of prostaglandin E2 concentration in interstitial fluid from the hypothalamic region of free-moving mice, Bio Protoc, 9: e3324, 2019, DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3324
Kobayashi M, Nishi K, Mizutani A, Hokama T, Matsue M, Tsujikawa T, Nakanishi T, Nishii R, Tamai I, Kawai K: Imaging of hepatic drug transporters with [131I]6-β-iodomethyl-19-norcholesterol, Sci Rep, 9:13413, 2019, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-50049-8
【Conference Presentations】
中西猛夫 : 間質性肺炎におけるプロスタグランジン輸送体OATP2A1/SLCO2A1の役割と喫煙の影響,第41回生体膜と薬物の相互作用シンポジウム,船橋,10/18-19, 2019.
平田沙綾, 玉井郁巳, 中西猛夫 : An impact of plasm prostaglandin E2 on the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases,日本薬物動態学会第34回年会,つくば,12/9-12,2019.
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